Every time I try and open the meat locker it causes my game to crash. I can launch the app again and get back in, but this happens every time I try and open it. Anyone else have this problem? Any fix?
Yes it seems everyone is having this *problem* Including me,
but before my meat locker seems fined and it worked perfectly.
After a few days it didnt work. Can anyone explain this problem?
I've had this problem too, "glad" to see I'm not the only one!! Some days the meat locker will open just fine, other days it crashes my game. totally random, but I'm afraid to store good zombies in there to buy new ones!
I have my best zombie "mafi goon" in there and it crashes every time I go into it what do I do…
Please help
I'm having this same problem also, all of my attack zombies and four best servers are trapped in limbo till further notice! It's really not a serious problem as I can adjust at the moment but it really discourages me from wanting to invest real $$$ into the game! I really hope this problem is fixed in the next update! I noticed this problem all of sudden happened when I bought +5 Hooks for extra zombies. Is there a connection and if so, it would be best other users hold off from expanding their meat locker till this bug is resolved.