Got all recipes level 1-20 completed. Now need the variants for Anti Hero and Brine Shrimp. First I need to hurry and level up!
Congrats gelo!
I've unlocked all recipes from level 1-20 as well and, like yourself, I need to hurry up and level up! I can't even cook 44 of the dishes in my book yet. Plenty of $$$ so maybe I'll try the start/discard method..
carpet crawlin' for toxin like they're crack rocks..
Hmm, well if you're doing it, I guess I'll have to take the plunge as well, more slot machines and the 600k zombie painting will have to wait. What dish is best for this? I read that frz snk pie is a good one, any others?
carpet crawlin' for toxin like they're crack rocks..
yah…ive been start/discarding frzn snk pie…took a chunk of my money to get to level 18. i only have 18K left :( but im level 18 :p
btw..thanks mamadx
Investing 311$ into Frozen Stake & Kidney Pie gives You 26 XP when start cooking.
1 XP costs 311/26=11,96.
For simplicity: 1000XP = 11 960$.
If I have right now 450K theoretically I can get 37625 XP using this meal. Right now I'm on 10600XP on level 20. To reach 21 level I need 5923 XP = 70839$. Just 228 start discard operations.
Or zombie painting?
Lol! I was just working out the math as well and came up with similar numbers. I just finished trashing $3k worth of frzn snk pies and then started thinking, I really want another slot machine! I think I'll just start/discard ~ 5k/day maybe..
carpet crawlin' for toxin like they're crack rocks..
Damn! I can't stand not to reach 21 level :)
So I've spent 25 minutes (!!!) in order/discard operations and voila - I'm in 21.
Nothing changed. No new items (checked everywhere). Level 21 has 18175 XP. My zombie quantity limit has not increased - still the same 10. So it's just flattering my vanity :)