
Decor adds some ambiance for the patrons that are enjoying their "zombie" dishes. Pretty up the place a bit. Some decorations add the benefit of stars or generate money.

Item Cost Benefit Level Required
Plant $5 Decoration 0
Plant $100 Decoration 1
Plant $100 Decoration 2
Blue Lamp $300 Decoration 2
Red Lamp $350 Decoration 3
Yellow Lamp $350 Decoration 4
Tall bush $500 Decoration 4
Plain Divider $200 Decoration 4
Coat Hanger $200 Decoration 4
White Lamp 1 vial Plus one star 5
Yellow Divider $250 Decoration 5
Green Divider $250 Decoration 5
Blue Divider $250 Decoration 5
Red Divider $250 Decoration 5
Black Wall 1 vial Decoration 6
Grape Divider $1,500 Decoration 6
Guitar $1,200 Decoration 6?
Long Flower-Pot $500 Decoration 6?
Barb Wire $250 Decoration 6?
Two Sacks $250 Decoration 6?
Sack $250 Decoration 6?
Plant $500 Decoration 7
Fish tank $8,000 Plus one star 9
Bamboo $1,000 Plus one star 10
Fish Tank 15 vials Plus five stars 10
Bonsai $1,500 Decoration 10
Slot Machine 50 vials $ generator (8) 11
Machine $4,500 Plus one star 11?
Machine $4,500 Plus one star 11?
Slot Machine $100,000 $ generator (8) 12
Cactus $2,500 Plus one star 13
Booze shelf $12,000 Plus one star 16
Maitre De Stand $12,000 Decoration 18
Fountain $50,000 Plus three stars 19
Red Rope $3,000 Decoration 19